The next hall, called the Collapse, has an area of 2.8 square meters, a length of 85 meters and a height of up to 27 meters. In this hall in the distant 1943 participants in the partisan movement in Bulgaria gathered to practice their shooting skills, aiming at the flame of a candle placed in a stalagmite.
Next is the hall of drawings, which are among the most interesting works of primitive art on the Balkan Peninsula. Unfortunately, for about two years now, the drawing room has been closed to visitors. You will be able to see a projection of photos from the hall. The oldest of the paintings in the hall date back to 7000 years ago. In the hall there are hundreds of drawings, schematic male and female figures, animals, signs. An interesting fact is that bat fertilizer (guano) was used for the drawings. An annual solar calendar from the late Neolithic is depicted in one of the drawing halls in Magura.