Magura Cave

Located in the Rabishka mound, a formation with an altitude of 461 m, Magurata Cave is one of the largest caves in Bulgaria. The total length of the galleries discovered so far is about 2500m with an area of ​​over 30,000 square meters. It is composed of Lower Cretaceous thick-layer white limestone. Formation began about 15 million years ago. The cave consists of one main gallery, containing halls of different sizes, and three side galleries. The individual halls have impressive dimensions – some reach a length of over 200 m, a width of more than 50 m and a height of over 20 m.

The first hall you will see is called the Triumphal Hall, has an area of ​​over 5 thousand square meters, is 128 meters long and up to 21 meters high. According to the age of the archaeological finds found in the hall – fragments of pottery, the hall is inhabited since ancient times. In there you will see preserved foundations of homes and furnaces.

Next to the Triumphal Hall is the so-called Gallery of the Bats. Due to the ideal conditions for the production of sparkling wine, very similar to those in the Champagne region, this hall has been turned into a wine cellar. The only natural champagne wine in Bulgaria is produced in this place.

Wine tasting will be held here, and after the tour of the cave you will have the opportunity to buy wines from the range of Magura winery from the company store, located immediately after the exit of the cave.

The next hall, called the Collapse, has an area of ​​2.8 square meters, a length of 85 meters and a height of up to 27 meters. In this hall in the distant 1943 participants in the partisan movement in Bulgaria gathered to practice their shooting skills, aiming at the flame of a candle placed in a stalagmite.


Next is the hall of drawings, which are among the most interesting works of primitive art on the Balkan Peninsula. Unfortunately, for about two years now, the drawing room has been closed to visitors. You will be able to see a projection of photos from the hall. The oldest of the paintings in the hall date back to 7000 years ago. In the hall there are hundreds of drawings, schematic male and female figures, animals, signs. An interesting fact is that bat fertilizer (guano) was used for the drawings. An annual solar calendar from the late Neolithic is depicted in one of the drawing halls in Magura.

The next hall is the hall of the Stalactons, one of the largest in the cave with its impressive dimensions – area 3640 sq.m., length 92 m., Height 15 m. The name of the hall comes from the Big and the Small stalactite, one of the most impressive caves formations in Magura. After that you will have the opportunity to see the hall called the Fallen Pine because of the fallen stalagmite, that looks like a huge pine tree – 11 meters high and 6 meters in diameter. The length of this hall is 102 m, the height – up to 14 m, and its area is 3590 square meters. m. After it you will pass through the Poplar Hall and you will see the Crying Wall, which in certain weather conditions resembles a tear. Above it is a rock formation called “Baghdad” because of the small stalagmites resembling towers in the Eastern style.

The last hall is called the Exit Hall, it is 112 meters long and the road to the exit starts from it. After the exit of the cave there is a view to the Rabishko lake.